Agro-Meteorological Information Systems Development Project
Department of Agricultural Extension
District Bulletin
Date: 06 July 2022
Agromet Advisory Bulletin for Bandarban District
Agro-Meteorological Information Systems Development Project
Component-C of BWCSRP
Department of Agricultural Extension
Date: 06.07.2022 Bulletin No. 367
Agromet Advisory Bulletin for Bandarban District (06.07.2022 to 10.07.2022)
Weather Conditions for last four days (02.07.2022 to 05.07.2022)
Weather Parameters
Rainfall (mm)
0.0-5.0 (8.0)
Maximum Temperature (o C)
Minimum Temperature (o C)
Relative Humidity (%)
Wind Speed (km/h)
Wind Direction
Cloud Amount (Okta)
Weather forecast as per Bangladesh Meteorological Department for the next 5 days (06.07.2022 to 10.07.2022)
Weather Parameters
Rainfall (mm)
4.6-12.0 (39.9)
Maximum Temperature ( o C )
Minimum Temperature ( o C )
Relative Humidity (%)
Wind Speed (Km/h)
Wind Direction
Cloud status
Partly cloudy
Agromet Advisories
Farmers and all other farm managements are advised to follow the guidelines of Government of Bangladesh to avoid infection and social transmission of CORONA virus (COVID-19). Precautions and safety measures should be taken up to prevent the Carona virus spread. Simple measures include social distancing, maintaining personal hygiene by washing hands with soap, wearing of face mask, drink hot water, stay at home and cleaning of implements and machinery. Farmers should not work in a group; consult with a doctor in case of any symptom. Please stay at home does not visit the field until it is very necessary.
Short range weather forecasr for next 24 hours
Light to moderate rain/thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty wind is likely to occur at many places over the district with moderately heavy to heavy falls at places over the district. Day temperature may fall slightly and night temperature may remain nearly unchanged over the district.
Medium Range Weather Forecast over the district: light to moderate rainfall is expected
Maintain in 3-4inches water level at recovery stage.
Inspect & monitor disease-pest e.g blast, rice bug, stem borers and others and take appropriate plant protection measures.
Apply potash fertilizer as top dress by filling gap after 5-7 days and also urea fertilizer after 3-5 days. Urea fertilizer should not be applied if the paddy is in early tillering stage. After 5-7 days, if necessary, urea fertilizer should be applied by breaking the tillers and filling the gap. At this time, it is better to use additional 5 kg of potash fertilizer per bigha in all types of aus paddy fields.
If the population of Thrips and Green Leaf Hopper exceeds 25%, apply Malathion group insecticide at the rate of 1ml/1 litre of water.
Aman Paddy
Advise for preparation of seeded for Aman paddy in kharif season.
Start sowing of dry seeded long duration paddy after proper tillage operation like ploughing, weeding etc.
Before sowing seed should be treated by Diethane M-45 properly
Farmers are advised to practice Dapog method for raising nursery bed.
Apply fertiliser, pesticides
Harvest the matured crop on non rainy days.
Monitor the incidences of pests (hairy caterpillar, jassid, thrips, leaf miner, spodoptera & termite) & diseases (leaf spot/tikka disease, leaf rust, foot rot/stem rot, collar rot, bud necrosis) and if noticed, take appropriate preventive measure.
Prevailing weather condition are favorable for tikka leafspot in groundnut. To control spray with hexaconazol @2ml. or carbendazim @1 g. per litre of water.
Apply fertiliser, pesticides.
Hand pollination is effective for more production in case of tassel gourd and pointed gourd. Advised to cut aged leaves and continue others intercultural operations in vegetables land.
Wash away sticky mud from base and stems of vegetable plants by spraying fresh water; to prevent rotting, spray Copper hydroxide or copper oxychloride@4g per litre of water. Staking of bamboo should be provided to crops like tomato, chilli and brinjal for better support.
Arrange for adequate drainage to avoid water stagnation in the crop fields. Drain out excess water from the fields. Avoid irrigation, intercultural operation and application of plant protection measures and fertilizers to the standing crops. Harvest the matured crop immediately and store the harvested products at safe places.
Apply pesticides, fertiliser
Apply required irrigation
Weather is congenial for sigatoka leaf spot disease in banana; cut and remove all severely affected leaves and spray Propiconazol 1ml/ litre of water. Weather is congenial for burrowing nematode in banana; apply neem cake (1 kg/plant) at the time of planting to reduce the pest population. Store the harvested banana bunches in dry places to prevent disease incidence due to rainfall.
Provide mechanical support to banana, young fruit plants and vegetables and carry out propping up in sugarcane to prevent the crops from lodging due to strong winds. Keep harvested produce at safer places. Keep cattle/goats indoor during thunderstorm/dust storm.
Weather is congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray 1% Bordeaux mixture on the spindle leaf and crown of palms.
Apply pesticides, fertiliser
Apply required irrigation
Keep the jute land weed free by weeding and uproot comparatively under growth plant during the time.
There is a chance of incidences of Semiloper. Spray Imidocholoprid/Chlorocyrin/ Nitro @ 1ml/litre of water. Semilooper and mites may be infested in drought and humid weather and so placing 10-12 bamboo sticks/ plant branch @33 decimal land for controlling insects as environment friendly way. Besides, inspect the land regularly.
To protect capsularis jute crop (>4 ft tall) from lodging due high wind speed, the peripheral jute plants (round the field) need to be tied together by taking 4-5 jute plants in a consecutive manner.
There is a chance of incidences of Hairy Caterpillar. Following control measures is advised.
Collect the egg mass and destroy
Use light traps.
Spray Imidocholoprid/Chlorocyrin/ Nitro @ 1ml/litre of water.
Apply fertiliser, pesticides.
Betel vine:
At Leaf growing stage the fencing and structure of betel vine garden broken due to “strong wind. Repair the structure as early as possible and if required took down the creeper from the structure.
Wet the plant and the base soil with copper oxychloride solution --Spray 1% Bordeaux mixture at the base.
Intercultural operations need to continude as others month.
Hail storm and western storm may be possible at this time, so special care should be given for beetle leaves.
Apply fertiliser, pesticides.
Due to the abnormal increase in the price of animal feed, conserve paddy straw properly and plant high yielding raw grass.
Vaccinate cattle against hoof disease.
Keep the open, dry and clean around the cow house.
Use mosquito nets or coils in the cow house carefully.
Keep cattle safe from rainstorms to protect them from lightning strikes.
Vaccinate chickens against Ranikhet disease.
Keep ducks and chickens open, dry and clean around the house.
Use mosquito nets or coils in the chicken house carefully.
Now is a good time to stock fish /prepare the pond
Catch all the old fish from the ponds by drying or applying Rotenon (25 g / decimal / ft). Apply 1 kg lime per cent after 2/3 days
Apply fertilizer (urea 200 g/decimal, TSP 100 g/ decimal) 3/4 days after lime application.