Agro-Meteorological Information Systems Development Project
Department of Agricultural Extension
National Bulletin
Date: 24 January 2024
24 January 2024 [Wednesday]
FOR THE PERIOD 24.01.2024 - 28.01.2024
Realized Weather at different locations in the country
Rainfall for last 24 hours (till 06 AM on 24 January 2024) and maximum temperature on 23 January 2024 and minimum temperature on 24 January 2024 is given below:
Country average bright sunshine hour was 3.10 hours per day during last week.
Country average free water loss during the previous week was 1.66 mm per day.
Weather Forecast Valid for 24 Hours commencing 06 PM Today:
Rainfall: Light rain/drizzle is likely to occur at one or two places over Dhaka, Khulna, Barishal & Chattogram divisions.Weather may remain mainly dry with partly cloudy sky elsewhere over the country.
Fog: Moderate to thick fog may occur over the country during midnight to morning and it may continue till noon at places. Air navigation, inland river transport and road communication may disrupt due to thick fog.
Cold Wave: Mild cold wave is sweeping over Rangpur & Rajshahi divisions and the districts of Kishoregonj & Chuadanga and it may abate from some places.
Temperature: Night temperature may rise slightly and day temperature may fall slightly over the country.
Spatial Distribution of weather parameters for the Week ending on 23 January 2024
Agrometeorological Weather Forecast for the period: 24.01.2024 to 31.01.2024
Bright sunshine hour is likely to be from 3.50 to 5.50 hours per day during this period.
Average free water loss is likely to be from 1.00 to 3.00 mm per day during this period.
Weather may remain mainly dry with temporary partly cloudy sky over the country during the period 24-29 January 2024.
Light to moderate rain is likely to occur at one or two places over Dhaka, Khulna, Barishal, Chattogram & Sylhet divisions during the end of this period.
Moderate to thick fog may occur over Northern part & river basins and adjoining area of the country and Light to moderate fog may occur elsewhere over the country during midnight till morning of this period.
Mild cold wave may sweep at places over Rangpur, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Sylhet & Khulna divisions during this period.
Day temperature is likely to be range 21±3oC and night temperature is likely to be range 12±3oC during this period.
District Wise Quantitative Weather Forecast for next Five days from 24.01.2024 to 28.01.2024
Different Satellite Products over Bangladesh
NOAA/VIIRS BLENDED NDVI composite for the week. No. 03 (14.01.2024 to 20.01.2024) over Agricultural regions of Bangladesh
NOAA/ AVHRR BLENDED VCI composite for the week No. 03 (14.01.2024 to 20.01.2024) over Agricultural regions of Bangladesh
NOAA/ AVHRR BLENDED TCI composite for the week No. 03 (14.01.2024 to 20.01.2024) over Agricultural regions of Bangladesh
NOAA/ AVHRR BLENDED VHI composite for the week No. 03 (14.01.2024 to 20.01.2024) over Agricultural regions of Bangladesh
Agromet Advisories
According to the medium range forecast, The following agromet advisories are provided in these circumstances:
Khulna Region (Districts: Bagerhat, Khulna, Narail and Satkhira)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Take appropriate action for preparation of seedbed for boro paddy. Prepare the seedbed in high land and also make arrangements for draining out of water and also advised for community based seedbed preparation.
Advise to use recommended varieties of seed.
If the seedbed becomes yellow, apply urea at the rate of 283 gm per decimal. Apply 400 gm gypsum per decimal if the seedlings are still not recovered after application of urea.
Cover the entire nursery bed in the night time with polythene sheets and remove in the morning to avoid the effect of cool temperatures on germination and growth of nursery. Irrigate the nursery with water in night time and remove water in early morning to speed up nursery growth in cold weather conditions.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Stage:Tuber bulking/ development
Harvesting should be done at 80 to 90 days after sowing depending on the varieties.
Farmers are advised to stop irrigation before 5-7 days of haulm pulling. Keep the tubers under soil for 7-10 days for curing after haulm pulling.
Rangamati Region (Districts: Bandarban, Khagrachari and Rangamati)
Rice Boro
Apply urea 13 kg/bigha as first top dressing after 15-20 days of transplanting (4-5 tillers/hill).
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Barishal Region (Districts: Barguna, Barishal, Bhola, Jhalokati, Patuakhali and Pirojpur)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Apply urea 13 kg/bigha as first top dressing after 15-20 days of transplanting (4-5 tillers/hill).
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Apply 125-150 kg Urea per hectare before flowering.
If soil moisture is not adequate at siliqua stage i.e 50-55 days after sowing apply irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Stage:Tuber bulking/ development
Harvesting should be done at 80 to 90 days after sowing depending on the varieties.
Farmers are advised to stop irrigation before 5-7 days of haulm pulling. Keep the tubers under soil for 7-10 days for curing after haulm pulling.
Bogura Region (Districts: Bogura, Joypurhat, Pabna and Sirajganj)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Apply 13 kg urea (1/3 of total urea) as first basal dose and also 13 kg TSP, 20 kg MOP, 15kg gypsum and 15 kg zinc per bigha after complete preparation of field.
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Cumilla Region (Districts: Brahmanbaria, Chandpur and Cumilla)
Stage:Vegetative Growth
Farmers are advised to apply 2nd time irrigation at wheat field at 55-60 DAS (panicle initiation stage) for good yield.
If symptoms of sulphur deficiency noticed in wheat crop, broadcast 1.0Kg gypsum/decimal is advised.
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Arrange proper solarisation within the row by stirring the plants after each 2 rows.
Where seedlings are 90-110 days old apply last top dressing with urea and potash.
Maintain 2-5 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Rajshahi Region (Districts: Chapai Nawabganj, Naogaon, Natore and Rajshahi)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Apply 13 kg urea (1/3 of total urea) as first basal dose and also 13 kg TSP, 20 kg MOP, 15kg gypsum and 15 kg zinc per bigha after complete preparation of field.
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Chattogram Region (Districts: Chattogram, Cox's Bazar, Feni, Lakshmipur and Noakhali)
Rice Boro
Apply urea 13 kg/bigha as first top dressing after 15-20 days of transplanting (4-5 tillers/hill).
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Apply Irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Jashore Region (Districts: Chuadanga, Jashore, Jhenaidah, Kushtia, Magura and Meherpur)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Take appropriate action for preparation of seedbed for boro paddy. Prepare the seedbed in high land and also make arrangements for draining out of water and also advised for community based seedbed preparation.
Advise to use recommended varieties of seed.
If the seedbed becomes yellow, apply urea at the rate of 283 gm per decimal. Apply 400 gm gypsum per decimal if the seedlings are still not recovered after application of urea.
Cover the entire nursery bed in the night time with polythene sheets and remove in the morning to avoid the effect of cool temperatures on germination and growth of nursery. Irrigate the nursery with water in night time and remove water in early morning to speed up nursery growth in cold weather conditions.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Stage:Tuber bulking/ development
Farmers are advised to irrigate the land for keeping optimum moisture in the field during this stage for quality tuber formation and development.
Present weather condition is congenial for Potato wireworm infestation. Use Pheromone trap and earthingup before 60 days of potato harvesting
Present weather condition is congenial for Late Blight infestation. Spray of Mancozeb @2gm/L water.
Dhaka Region (Districts: Dhaka, Gazipur, Kishoreganj, Manikganj, Munshiganj, Narayanganj, Narsingdi and Tangail)
Apply irrigation.
During the stage, farmers are advised to 3rd time irrigation at wheat field for good yield.
Rice Boro
Arrange proper solarisation within the row by stirring the plants after each 2 rows.
Where seedlings are 90-110 days old apply last top dressing with urea and potash.
Maintain 2-5 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Dinajpur Region (Districts: Dinajpur, Panchagarh and Thakurgaon)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Apply urea 13 kg/bigha as first top dressing after 15-20 days of transplanting (4-5 tillers/hill).
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Stage:Tuber bulking/ development
Farmers are advised to irrigate the land for keeping optimum moisture in the field during this stage for quality tuber formation and development.
Present weather condition is congenial for Potato wireworm infestation. Use Pheromone trap and earthingup before 60 days of potato harvesting
Faridpur Region (Districts: Faridpur, Gopalganj, Madaripur, Rajbari and Shariatpur)
Apply irrigation.
During the stage, farmers are advised to 3rd time irrigation at wheat field for good yield.
Rice Boro
Arrange proper solarisation within the row by stirring the plants after each 2 rows.
Where seedlings are 90-110 days old apply last top dressing with urea and potash.
Maintain 2-5 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Rangpur Region (Districts: Gaibandha, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat, Nilphamari and Rangpur)
Stage:Maturity to Harvesting
Start harvesting of fully matured crop.
After harvesting, threshing & drying wheat grains should be stored at 12% level moisture.
Rice Boro
Apply urea 13 kg/bigha as first top dressing after 15-20 days of transplanting (4-5 tillers/hill).
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Due to high relative humidity, sooty mould disease may occur in mangoes. To control Pruning of affected branches and wash off the tree with soapy water is advised. In case of severe infestation Spray with Mancozeb @ 0.2% + Clorpyriphos 20EC 2ml/l at 10-15 days interval.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Stage:Tuber bulking/ development
Farmers are advised to irrigate the land for keeping optimum moisture in the field during this stage for quality tuber formation and development.
Present weather condition is congenial for Potato wireworm infestation. Use Pheromone trap and earthingup before 60 days of potato harvesting
Sylhet Region (Districts: Habiganj, Moulvibazar, Sunamganj and Sylhet)
Apply irrigation.
Rice Boro
Arrange proper solarisation within the row by stirring the plants after each 2 rows.
Where seedlings are 90-110 days old apply last top dressing with urea and potash.
Maintain 2-5 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Apply Irrigation.
Apply 125-150 kg Urea per hectare before flowering.
If soil moisture is not adequate at siliqua stage i.e 50-55 days after sowing apply irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)
Mymensingh Region (Districts: Jamalpur, Mymensingh, Netrokona and Sherpur)
Apply irrigation.
During the stage, farmers are advised to 3rd time irrigation at wheat field for good yield.
Rice Boro
Apply urea 13 kg/bigha as first top dressing after 15-20 days of transplanting (4-5 tillers/hill).
Maintain 5-7 cm land water level.
Apply irrigation.
Protect young plants of vegetable from low temperature.
Present weather condition is favourable for the incidence of yellowish-brown spot in tomato, Spray mancozeb 2.5-3g/litres of water.
Under cold conditions, there may be infestation of yellow vein mosaic in okra. Farmers are advised to remove all infected plants and destroy them. Disinfect gardening tools after every use. Control white fly, the vector, by spraying imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5ml/ liters of water before populations reach high levels.
Under the prevailing weather condition, monitoring is advised for infestation of fruit borers in brinjal, tomato, chilli. If infestation occurs, installation of pheromone traps @ 40 traps per acre is advised.
Present weather is congenial for sucking pests in vegetables.To control spray Malathion 57 EC @ 1.0 ml/litre water.
Apply Irrigation.
Protect young plants of horticulture crops from low temperature
It is advised to cover the small horticulture plants with grass/polythene sheet to avoid cold paralysis
To protect young fruit plants from chilly winds, cover young fruit plants with straw/polythene sheets/ gunny bags.
In fruit crops, apply organic mulches after earthing up and weeding to conserve residual soil moisture as well as to maintain the soil temperature.
Under the present weather conditions, there is a chance of an attack of pseudostem weevil to young banana plants of 3-4 months age. Spray Chlorpyriphos 2 ml/liter of water
Weather conditions are congenial for bud rot disease in coconut; spray Bordeaux mixture 1% on spindle leaves and crown of disease affected as well as neighbouring palms.
Apply Irrigation.
Stage:Pod initiation
Apply light irrigation.
Night temperature is decreasing. So keep the cattle under the shed.
Take necessary steps to prevent external parasites.
The temperature can be increased by lighting high-wattage bulbs in cowsheds.
Give anthelmintic drugs.
Vaccinate the cattle to prevent scurvy.
Give lukewarm water to drink.
Feed 50-100g mineral mixture daily with feed to maintain cattle health.
Keep the poultry shed clean and dry.
Protect the chicken from the cold air with plastic screens or plastic bags on all sides.
High power bulbs (100 watts or more) in the poultry shed for 1-2 hours after dusk will increase egg production and diseases will reduce.
Take necessary measures to protect against fungal diseases.
Vaccinate Spring Disease of Chicken.
Let the hens out of the coop a little late in the morning and close the coop door in the evening.
Reduce fish density, and transfer to other ponds if necessary.
Ensure enough water in the pond to avoid the harmful effects of low temperatures.
Reduce food in winter. Stop feeding if needed.
Keep clean the pond water.
Apply lime in the pond to protect fish from various bacterial diseases in winter. (250-500 gm/per decimal)