Groundnut is normally a warm and moderately moist climate crop, requiring abundant sunshine and moderate rainfall.
- A longer season with moist soil conditions from flowering to pod development, warm climate (24-340 C temperature), plenty of sunshine are highly favorable for the crop.
- Temperature above 340C and below 140C are not desirable. The optimum seed germinating temperature is 14-160C. Low temperatures retard germination of seeds, growth of plants and lengthen flowering, while higher temperature results in the best performance of the stem growth, number of flowers and number of pods.
- The number of pods decreases as the soil temperature increases. Number of pod formation is maximum at mean soil temperature of 230C.
- A well distributed rainfall of 500-700 mm is generally adequate for the crop. The crop requires dry conditions for pod maturity, harvesting and only moist soil after emergence till flowering starts.
- Rain at maturity reduces yield. Moist soil conditions at the pegging and early pod development is highly critical.
- High atmospheric humidity stimulates greater rates of flowering, resulting in increased peg setting.
- During the vegetative period the soil moisture stress delays flowering, fruit setting and ultimately results in poor yield.