Agro-Meteorological Information Systems Development Project
Department of Agricultural Extension
Diseases Information
Stemphylium blight
Favorable weather
Temperature 11-25 o C . Day temperature 20-22 o C , night temperature 4-5 o C , relative humidity maximum 90-96% and minimum 40-48%. Soil temperature above 32o C and Soil moisture 2.5-18.8%. Cloudy or foggy weather
Control measure
Common name and dse
Trade name
Spray of Iprodione/ Tebuconazole or mixture of these two fungicides @ 2 g / liter of water 3-4 times with 7 days interval
Rovral 50 WP/ Folicur250EC
Infestation stage
Vegetative to pod initiation stage.
Favorable weather
Relative Humidity 85-90%, Temperature 20-22o C
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Spray of Carbendazim/ Mancozeb @1gm/L water
Tilt-250EC, G-gurd, Shadid 250 EC
Infestation stage
Flowering to pod initiation stage.
Foot rot
Favorable weather
Temperature 20-27 o C
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Seed treatment with Provex- WP 200 @2.5g/kg.
Provex200 WP/Vitavex-200 WP/Bitan 10 DS/Autostain
Infestation stage
Germination to Vegetative stage.
Fusarium wilt
Favorable weather
Hot and dry weather; Optimum temperature is around 25°C
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Spray of Carbendazim @1gm/L water 2-3 times with 7-10 days interval