Diseases Information - Maize

Stalk rot
Favorable weather Temperature 18-350C and Relative Humidity 90%     
Control measure Common name and dose Trade name
 Propiconazole @1.5ml/litre  water Tilt-250EC/Shadid 250 EC
Carbendazim @1.5ml/litre water G-gurd
Infestation stage Vegetative to reproductive stage


Leaf blight
Favorable weather Temperatur 22-32.50C and Relative humidity  greater than 90%.
Control measure Carbendazim 1ml./litre of water. or Propiconazole 2ml./litre of water.
Infestation stage Vegetative stage


Seed and seedling rot
Favorable weather  Above 30°C and threshold temperature of 14.6°C and 138 day-degrees C
Control measure Seed treatment with Thiram/Vitavax group fungicide @ 2.5-3.0g/kg. seed
Infestation stage Silky to cob formation stage


Corn ear and grain rot

Control measure:

Common name and dose Trade name
Propiconazole@1.5ml/litre water Tilt-250EC/Shadid 250 EC
Carbendazim@1.5ml/litre water G-gurd