Agro-Meteorological Information Systems Development Project
Department of Agricultural Extension
Diseases Information
Wheat Blast
Favorable weather
Continuous rains and average temperatures between 18-20oC during the flowering stage of the crop followed by sunny weather and humid days. highest blast intensity at 30oC which increased with duration of wetting period. lowest at 25oC with a wetting period of less than 10h. However, with increasing wetting period of 40h at 25oC blast intensity of 85% observed
Control measure
Nativo 75 WG 6 gm/desimal or Seed treatment with Noen 2-3 gm/Kg.
Infestation stage
All stages
Seed and seedling rot
Control measure:
Common name and dose
Trade name
Propiconazole @1.5ml/litre water
Tilt-250EC/ Shadid 250 EC
Carbendazim@1.5ml/litre water
Foot rot
Favorable weather
Temperature 18-240C, Relative Humidity above 40%
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Propiconazole @1.5ml/litre water
Tilt-250EC/Shadid 250 EC
Carbendazim @1.5ml/litre water
Infestation stage
seedling stage.
Leaf blight
Favorable weather
Temp 250C and high Relative Humidity
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Seed treatment with Carboxin @ 2.5-3.0g/kg seed
Infestation stage
Vegetative stage
Brown spot
Favorable weather
Temperature 200C, dew for 4 hours
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Carbendazim @1.5ml/litre water
Propiconazole @1.5ml/litre water
Tilt-250EC /Shadid 250 EC
Infesttion stage
Vegetative stage
Leaf rust
Favorable weather
Temperature 15-250C, rain and highdew
Control measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Hexaconazol@1ml/litre water
Anvil 5 SC
Tebuconazol/Carbendazim @ 1ml/litre water
Conza 5EC/Akonazol 250 EC
Infestation stage
Vegetative to reproductive stage
Powery mildew
15 November -
05 April
Favorable weather
Optimum temperature 15-200C, Relative Humidity above 40%