Special Agromet Advisories for the districts of Sylhet, Sunamganj, Meherpur, Noakhali
There is chance of comparatively very good amount of rainfall (6.0-10.0 cm) along with strong wind during 3-6 May 2019. In view of that, following urgent Agromet advisories are issued to save the standing crops;
1. Where boro paddy found 80% maturity, harvest immediately otherwise due to cyclone shattering loss will take place.
2. Immediately harvest matured groundnut, rabi maize, horticultural crops, vegetables
3. Clean the irrigation channel so that there should not be any standing water in the paddy field
4. Arrange for elevated bunding around and inside the paddy field so that water current may not affect the standing crops.
5. Avoid sowing of new plants/ crops
6. Provide mechanical support to the standing crops
7. Uplift the plants which were lodged due to heavy rainfall and high wind immediately.
8. Avoid application of fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation.
Special Advisories for Rangpur, Kurigram, Kishoreganj, Chuadanga, Narsingdi, Lalmonirhat, Moulivbazar, Netrokona
There is chance of good amount of rainfall (4.0—5.9 cm) during 3-6 May 2019. In view of that, following urgent Agromet advisories are issued to save the standing
1. Where boro paddy found 80% maturity, harvest immediately otherwise due to cyclone shattering loss will take place.
2. Immediately harvest matured groundnut, rabi maize, vegetables etc.
3. Avoid application of fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation.