Pests Information - Groundnut

Hairy caterpillar
Favorable weather Hot and humid weather
Control measure Common name and dose Trade name
Spray of Diazinon 2 ml/L water or Lambda-cyhalothrin1 ml/L  water.

Diazinon 60 EC/ Cirat 2.5 EC.

Infestation stage Vegetative stage


Favorable Weather Dry and moderately high temperature (16-28 °C),Rainfall 30 mm
Control measure Common name and dose Trade name
Spray of Imidachloprid  @ 0.5 ml/litre of water at 100% flowering and 100% podding stage Admire 200 SL/ Imitaf 20 SL
Infestation stage Vegetative to flowering  stage.


Favorable weather Dry and hot (30-38°C) weather
Control measure Common name and dose Trade name
Spray of Diazinon 2 ml/L water or Lambda-cyhalothrin 1 ml/L  water.

Diazinon 60 EC/ Cirat 2.5 EC.

Infestation stage Vegetative to flowering stage.


Favorable weather Temperature 24° C- 34° C, sandy-sandy loam soil
Control measure Common name and dose Trade name
Sray of Chloropyrephos @2ml/litre water.  Classic 20 EC/ Cyren 20 EC /Lithal 20 EC/ Pyrifos 20 EC.
Infestation stage                  Vegetative to  maturity stage.