Pests Information - Rice Aman

Rice case worm
Favorable weather

 High Relative Humidity above 90% and  Cloudy

Control measure

 Common name and dose

Trade name
Malathion @2ml. per litre water. Fyfanon 57 EC/ Hilthion 57 EC/ Maladan 57 EC/ Limithion 57 EC/Razthion 57 EC/
Chlorpyrifos   @2ml. per litre water. Dursban 20 EC/Classic 20 EC/ Cyren 20 EC/Lithal 20 EC/Pyrifos 20 EC
Infestaion stage Early to maximum tillering


Gall midge
Favorable weather  Maximum temperature  above 33.0 °C, afternoon Relative Humidity less than 71% , Higher Sunshine hours above  7.4 hours
Control measure Common name and dose Trade name
Carbofuran@10kg per ha. Brifur 5G/Razfuran 5G/Carbotaf 5G/Curater 5G/Foreafuran5G.
Cartap @14kg per ha Care 50 SP/Cartap 50 SP/ Cikotap 50 SP/Kadan 50 SP/Forwatap 50 SP.
Fipronil @ 1ml. per  litre water Focus 50 SC/ Goolee 50 SC/Regent 50 SC/Nema 50SC/Envoy 50 SC.
Diazinon @ 17kg. per ha

Razdan 10 G/ Basudin 10G/Diazinon 10 G/ Dianon 10 G/Sabion 10 G

Infestation staage Seedling to flowering


Rice hispa


Favorable weather

Maximum temperature 32-350C and minimum temperature 24-260C, Maximum Relative Humidity 96-99% and minimum Relative Humidity 75-81%

Control Measure  Common name and dose Trade name
Chlorpyrifos   @2ml/L water Dursban 20 EC/Classic 20 EC/ Cyren 20 EC/Lithal 20 EC/Pyrifos 20 EC
Cypermethrin  @1ml./litre water. Agromethrin 10 EC/ Arrivo 10 EC/ Buster 10 EC/Cythrine 10 EC
Infestation stage Seedling to flowering stage


Yellow Stem borer
Favorable  weather

Minimum Temperature above  20.3 0C, Maximum Temperature:  29.5-34.70C, Optimum temperature:  24-290C, Higher morning Relative Humidity above  84%, Afternoon  Relative Humidity above 38.7% and dry weather

Control Measure

Common name

Trade name
Carbofuran @10kg per ha. Brifur 5G/Razfuran 5G/ Carbotaf 5G/ Curater 5G/Foreafuran5G  
Cartap @14kg per ha Care 50 SP/Cartap 50 SP/Cikotap 50 SP/ Kadan 50 SP/ Forwatap 50 SP
Fipronil @ 1ml. per litre of water Focus 50 SC/ Goolee 50 SC/ Regent 50 SC/Nema 50SC/Envoy 50 SC
Diazinon @ 17kg per ha. Razdan 10 G/ Basudin 10G/ Diazinon 10 G/ Dianon 10 G/Sabion 10 G
Infestation stage Early tillering to flowering



Leaf roller/folder
Favorable weather Maximum temperature greater than 31.9 °C, Minimum temperature less than 21.6 °C, High Relative Humidity 90%, Cloudy
Control Measure

Common name and dose

Trade name
Malathion @ 2ml. per litre water Fyfanon 57 EC/ Hilthion 57 EC/ Maladan 57 EC/Limithion 57 EC/ Razthion 57 EC
Chlorpyrifos   @ 2ml. per litre water Dursban 20 EC/Classic 20 EC/ Cyren 20 EC/ Lithal 20 EC/ Pyrifos 20 EC.
Infestation stage Mid tillering to dough stage

Brown plant hopper
Favorable weather

Maximum  temperature above 320C, High Relative Humidity:80-90% and drizzle with rainfall  less than 75 mm

Control Measure

Common name and dose

Trade name
Isoprocarb @
 2.5g per litrewater.
Mipcin 75wp/ Sopcin 75wp
Imidachloprid @
 2.5g per litrewater.

 Tiddo 200 SL/Premier 200SL

/Imitaf 200 SL

Infestation ‍stage Maximum tillering to dough stage


Grass hopper
Favorable weather

Maximum temperature less than 29.50C, Minimum temperature less than 22.10C, afternoon Relative Humidity above 75.2%,  sunshine hours less than 4.0 hours, Total weekly rainfall above 86.0 mm

Control measure

  Common name and dose

Trade name
Malathion @2ml. per litre water. Fyfanon 57 EC/ Hilthion 57 EC/ Maladan 57 EC/ Limithion 57 EC/Razthion 57 EC
Chlorpyrifos   @2ml. per litre water. Dursban 20 EC/Classic 20 EC/ Cyren 20 EC/Lithal 20 EC/Pyrifos 20 EC
Infestation stage Early tillering to maturity stage


Rice bug
Favorable weather

Maximum temperature above 31.90C, Minimum temperature less than 22.10C, Morning Relative Humidity above  93.9%,Afternoon Relative Humidity less than 66.4% and weekly total rainfall less than 40.9 mm.Bright Sunshine Hours above  5.9 hrs.

Control Measure

Common name and dose

Trade name
Malathion @ 2ml. per litre water. Fyfanon 57 EC/ Hilthion 57 EC/ Maladan 57 EC/ Limithion 57 EC/Razthion 57 EC
Chlorpyrifos   @ 2ml. per litre water. Dursban 20 EC/Classic 20 EC/ Cyren 20 EC/Lithal 20 EC/Pyrifos 20 EC
infestation stage Flowering to milking stage