Maximum temperature above 320C, High Relative Humidity:80-90% and drizzle with rainfall less than 75 mm
Control Measure
Common name and dose
Trade name
Isoprocarb @
2.5g per litrewater.
Mipcin 75wp/ Sopcin 75wp
Imidachloprid @
2.5g per litrewater.
Tiddo 200 SL/Premier 200SL
/Imitaf 200 SL
Infestation stage
Maximum tillering to dough stage
Grass hopper
Favorable weather
Maximum temperature less than 29.50C, Minimum temperature less than 22.10C, afternoon Relative Humidity above 75.2%, sunshine hours less than 4.0 hours, Total weekly rainfall above 86.0 mm
Maximum temperature above 31.90C, Minimum temperature less than 22.10C, Morning Relative Humidity above 93.9%,Afternoon Relative Humidity less than 66.4% and weekly total rainfall less than 40.9 mm.Bright Sunshine Hours above 5.9 hrs.